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Kay Bee Root Fit

Brand : Kay Bee Bio Organics PVT LTD.
Data : Bio Fungicides
Availability : In Stock

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Root Fit is a botanical based Bio-fungicide especially designed for the control of soil born plant pathogenic fungi viz., Fusarium, Pythium, Phytophthora, Rhizoctonia, Verticillium, Macrophomina etc. It has proven efficacy against wide range of soil borne pathogens which commonly attack nursery, vegetable, fruit and flower crops. Root fit have contact, systemic & Fumigant mode of actions.

ROOT FIT has multi-strategic mode of action on soil born plant pathogenic fungi. It inhibits the spore germination and mycelial growth by restricting the enzymatic activities of the pathogens. It has contact, systemic and fumigant mode of actions. It eradicates pathogenic fungal inoculum in the soil and remains active for longer time. It encourages fresh root emergence. It helps in enhancing the plant growth and yield.


• Use safety kit at the time of spraying.

• Quantity need to be followed strictly as per the recommended rate.

• Time of spray must be carried out at early morning or evening.

• All equipment’s should be clean before the spraying. Sprayer and its parts like spray nozzle, spray tank should be tide and clean.

• Proper coverage is most important for results.

• After spray properly wash the hands using soap.

• Root Fit drenching can be repeated 6-7 days after first application also based on crop stage, soil type, growth and severity of the disease.


• Don't eat, drink, smoke or chew during whole operation of pesticides.

• Bio-pesticides should not be exposed to sunlight.

• Never prepare spray solution & application of pesticides without wearing protective clothing.

• Do not use overdose which may affect plant health and environment.

Chemical Composition:-

Active Ingredients- Cinnamomum cassia (M.C.)5.0% Citrus sinensis (M.C)7.0% Allium sativum (M.C)2.0% Melaleuca alternifolia (M.C)6.0% Cuminum cyminum (M.C) 5.0% other ingredients- %BY WT organic emulsifier 10.0% carrier oil QS to make total 100.00%

Dosage (as per soil type and crop age):

Black Cotton soil - 2.5-3.5 ml/lit Red soil - 2-2.5 ml/lit Rocky soil - 2-2.5 ml/lit Cocopeat - 0.5-1 ml/lit

Dosage According to crop stage:-

Drip (0-21 days) - 500ml/lit (After 21 days to 30 days)- 700 ml/lit (After 1 month)- 1 lit/acre.

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